There are 2 ways to finish course work here at IHS. First is the pay by course level method. This method is a little more expensive than taking the 100-400 levels straight through. The second method is to pay for everything when you start your education.
There are 2 ways to finish course work here at IHS. First is the pay by course level method. This method is a little more expensive than taking the 100-400 levels straight through. The second method is to pay for everything when you start your education.
There are 2 ways to finish course work here at IHS. First is the pay by course level method. This method is a little more expensive than taking the 100-400 levels straight through. The second method is to pay for everything when you start your education.
There are 2 ways to finish course work here at IHS. First is the pay by course level method. This method is a little more expensive than taking the 100-400 levels straight through. The second method is to pay for everything when you start your education.
200 Level Course
(4 weeks)
This course material is taken only after successful completion of 100 level course. In this course, you will increase your skills both under the horse and at the anvil. You will study common hoof problems and how to recognize them. Upon completion of this course work, you will be able to identify balanced hoof angles and correct shoe fit. You will also begin to gain confidence in you shoe shaping abilities. After the 200 level test is completed, you will have a 2 week break from school to apply some of your knowledge in a short apprenticeship. (See Syllabus page)
200 Level Course (2 weeks)
Study Work
Anatomy review
Tendons and ligaments
Forge Work
Fullered Front Shoe
Fullered Hind Shoe
Front Rolled toe
Front Rocker toe
Shoe 2 feet with plain stamped shoes in 2 hours