There are 2 ways to finish course work here at IHS. First is the pay by course level method. This method is a little more expensive than taking the 100-400 levels straight through. The second method is to pay for everything when you start your education.
There are 2 ways to finish course work here at IHS. First is the pay by course level method. This method is a little more expensive than taking the 100-400 levels straight through. The second method is to pay for everything when you start your education.
There are 2 ways to finish course work here at IHS. First is the pay by course level method. This method is a little more expensive than taking the 100-400 levels straight through. The second method is to pay for everything when you start your education.
There are 2 ways to finish course work here at IHS. First is the pay by course level method. This method is a little more expensive than taking the 100-400 levels straight through. The second method is to pay for everything when you start your education.
400 Level Course
(2 weeks)
These are your last 2 weeks of course material here at IHS. During this time, you will participate in complex forging cases and learn how to help lame horses on the road to recovery. During the last two weeks, you will be preparing for your final, which is very similar to the Certified Journeyman Farrier test that the American Farriers Association organizes every month. Most of your time will be spent forging different handmade shoes and placing them on live horses. Any corrective shoeing work that comes through the school will be your responsibility. Upon completion of the 400 Level Course, you will receive a diploma of completion.
400 Level Course (2 weeks)
Study Work
Anatomy review
Tendons and ligaments review
Corrective Trimming
Corrective Shoeing
Weight Bearing
Working with Vets
Business Ethics
Forge Work
Front/Hind Bar Shoe
Front/Hind Heart Bar
Front/Hind Patten Bar
Final Test
Shoe 4 feet with handmade toe clipped/quarter clipped shoes in 3 hours